Wendy Alec
Jeremy Johnson posts: "Vision given to Wendy Alec of God tv shocked us about the current fires that took place attached to a spark of revival. She gave this word in January 2007 about a fire that couldn’t be put out that was coming to La. "
If you have longed for the Father's answers as your heart has been secretly breaking…find supernatural strength and impartation, immense encouragement and renewed hope within these pages! Wounded Warriors is a collection of posts from Wendy's public facebook page and additional material. These posts which appeared over the course of a year specifically recounted deeply personal prophetic and seer encounters between the Father, Jesus and Wendy during a time of her intense emotional struggle in the aftermath of seperation and divorce. Wendy's heartfelt, personal messages resonated with so many people who have also found themselves in the icy grip of abandonment and heartbreak, facing an uncertain future. This book will bring consolation and hope, joy and focus for the journey out of the loneliness and silence of the wilderness.
"...Know this, beloved child of my heart, the tsunami is over, the robbery, grief and loss of yesteryear are swiftly coming to an end." And our great and marvellous Emperor would lift your face tenderly to His and whisper, "... It is time to rise. Come away, my beloved, come away and dance with me."
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About Wendy
Wendy Alec is a renowned author, screenwriter, and prophetess with a powerful voice in Christian media and literature. Co-founder of God TV, she has touched millions worldwide with her inspirational teachings and creative storytelling. Wendy is best known for her "Chronicles of Brothers" series, a gripping epic that weaves spiritual themes with fantasy and historical elements, captivating readers with its depth and vision. A trailblazer in prophetic ministry, Wendy shares messages of hope, faith, and divine revelation, inspiring individuals to deepen their relationship with God. Her work continues to resonate with audiences seeking faith-driven creativity and insight.